Function Reference


Replace text in a string based on regular expressions.

StringRegExpReplace ( "test", "pattern", "replace", [ count ] )



test The string to check
pattern The regular expression to compare. See StringRegExp for pattern definition characters.
replace The text to replace the regular expression matching text with. To insert matched group text, \0 - \9 (or $0 - $9) can be used as back-references.
count [optional] The number of times to execute the replacement in the string. The default is 0. Use 0 for global replacement.


Return Value

@Error Meaning
0 Executed properly. Check @Extended for the number of replacements performed.
2 Pattern invalid. @Extended = offset of error in pattern.





StringReplace, StringRegExp



MsgBox(0, "Regular Expression Replace Test", StringRegExpReplace("Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?", "[aeiou]", "@"))